Hunk-Ta-Bunk-Ta COVID-19 Resource List For Parents + #InOurHands Music Video

My friend Bonnie Nichols Music and I re-created this popular song #InOurHands to address COVID-19. We hope it brings you joy and we hope you share! #InOurHandsCO #InOurHandsAK. Lyrics below:

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Katherine Dines AKA Hunk-Ta-Bunk-Ta™ sends out love, light, good health and positivity during these uncertain times. COVID-19 is a virus that’s affecting all of us throughout the globe. It’s experiences like these that allow us to appreciate our loved ones and the extra times we get to share even more.

The new buzz-word at the moment is “hunker” a word I used to see in children’s books. Because there is a lot of mis-information out there, stay safe by following all of the guidelines provided by the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

Huddle together, BUT make sure to stay 6’ apart, so not too closely!!! Wash your hands for 20 seconds and sing, hum or whistle your favorite tune. Using soapy lather and warm water, scrub all parts of both your hands including:  front, back, between all fingers, the fingertips and fingernails.  And do it frequently.

Take walks and play outside, and do what you can to help others who are less fortunate. In every city and state, there are people in need, and there are lots of ideas. Here are a few in CO:

If your kiddos are going bonkers and driving you there too, make sure to follow a daily schedule.  It will help!   Make time for walks and hiking.  (Don’t visit playgrounds where contact with other children is inevitable).  Here are some interesting links and resources of free education, shows, family activities, fitness and more.

Aggregated Documents:

Music & Activities:


Parks, Zoos & Aquariums:

Yellowstone –
Access Mars –
Monterey Live Cams –
Atlanta Zoo (Panda) –
Houston Zoo –
Georgia Aquarium –
Georgia – Beluga –
Canadian Farm –

Until next time, stay safe, positive, hunker together, and enjoy this precious time.

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